Saturday, October 13, 2012

Blank !!

A new chapter comes up!

A new ray of light dawns and illuminates the darkened path. A path that I had deliberately stayed away from, dreading the unknowns and assuming that time would guide me when it comes. Well, it has eventually come. Had always tried to picturize the moment and mentally prepared myself to confront it. You thought you would handle it. But life has its way of keeping you on toes every second. Every preparation that you had done goes for a toss! You realize perhaps this is the way of destiny testing you and you have to fight it and show who is the master. Even though you try hard to change its course thinking that you have all the means and resources at your disposal, but much to your surprise, life becomes the ultimate winner. Mocking you from behind, you feel the supernatural power that pulls you tightly to itself and making you powerless. You know you have the power to run but still feel numb and unable to move your limbs.
Where is your strength, man!! You thought you are different; you thought you would show to the world that you wouldn’t blindly adopt the path laid out for you. And now since you see the truth, you try to reason out as to why this is not as per the “standards”. What went different? You fail to find logic for it. You try to analyze the root cause and even that doesn’t help. You stop thinking. You give up. You resign and look blankly at the sky. Silence everywhere!!
And then you get it! EUREKA! The reason was always there. It is because it is not just you now and hence it is not in your hands. Somebody else is now a part of it. And you see that is not a question of becoming powerful or powerless. It is a matter of undertaking a different journey. A journey which can be experienced only when it comes and not before.
And then your power returns. You sense yourself regaining control over yourself, over everyone, over life. But Caution!! Did you say life? No, Life will go on. Have you forgotten “Zindagi Migzara”? It’s a matter of perspective not imagination. It’s a matter of accepting things and living it.
And hence stop planning. Stop racing. Let it come to you. For now, just go BLANK!

1 comment:

Sho said...

nice observations about life, awesome writing skills :)