Sunday, March 29, 2009

Question and Answer

Waiting for the answer!! And finally the wait is over. I have got my answer. How lucky am I? Are you jealous that I found the answer to my long awaited question.

A question that has been pending long ago in my heart. A question that used to bubble up whenever a slight hope of answer seemed to be near. A question that kept my heart and mind debating with each other about the probable answer all the time. A question that made my heart heavy each time the answer eluded the poor heart like a tangent. It comes close enough just to miss it as if it was all planned. The question had planned to torture me. It had conspired to keep me entangled in the tentacles of emotions. It never wanted to liberate me from the shackles of sentiments. I was held as a captive within myself. It played with me, teased me like a monkey in the circus being allured to food.Yes, it knew that I was hungry. And thus had used my hunger to make me a joker in front of myself.

The search for the ultimate answer had started ruining me from inside. The worst part of it was that I knew that I was becoming hollow from within. And even worse was that I didn't want to stop the search. So the quest had continued. When the rest of the world did their job and lived happily, I was running hither and thither, spying, tracking and continuing my futile search. The hunt had led me to A deep tunnel with the hope of light at the other end. And I went deeper and deeper and still deeper, to a point of no return. I was stuck. And I could hear the question mocking at me from outside of the tunnel. Was the mock of the question a hint that I should give up? But I didn't heed the warning because I had wanted to fight. I wanted to challenge all the questions with my own answers. I did try to break the tunnel, but the tunnel was strong and the mocking grew louder with each attempt to destroy the pattern of tunnel . Finally I had given up.

I lay in the dark, alone. I didn't get sleep. Then suddenly out of nowhere, I felt that the answer was near. I wasn't waiting now. I wasn't searching anywhere else. My instincts told me that this night the answer would find me. It is the sixth sense that tells you that today is the day. You will get all your answers today. The bubbles would stop. The sadness would be wiped out from your face. There would be peace and ultimately, calmness would prevail over your heart. You will get a good sleep. You will feel lighter and free. You would be freed from all the bonds of miseries. You will get peace on this planet. You will be independent.

Atleast that's what I had thought. I wish I had never known the answer.


Avanish said...

What was the question?
and what answer did you get?

Dhruv said...

Man... I think you deserve a place next to Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche and Jacques Derrida :-) Was abstract to the core.. Really good one. :) Not many can write like this :)Although i never got the point u wanted to say

Dhruv said...

Was it anything related to God/Purpose of life stuff ??? Just a guess thou....

sudhir kekre said...

hey hw hv u been. i am always shown as unknown location :)
doesnt usa count?

Anonymous said...

:0 ....& I thought I would get the answer at the end!!!

yogs said...

@Dhruv : Thanks for your compliments.
I have to now start reading some works of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche and Jacques Derrida..

Regarding your guess, keep on guessing and I will be glad to see so many interpretations coming out of the post.

@Avanish and Choco: Thankyou for having patience to read my entire post. Btw, the question and answer are personal to me. It is best left unanswered

@Sudhir : Do you mean on my sitemeter, you are shown as unknown location? But I see people from US being tracked on it.

yogs said...

Btw, I guess you are talking in the section of recent readers. Don't worry as I can see your location in my sitemeter map. I guess your location is California, US

nascentAnand said...

oye jogi pyare!
i liked the post.I can sense that you language has really improved by leaps and bounds:).
hmmmm, but to be frank ,there were junctures where some byutiful words , looked like they were plugged in and then the natural flow got a lil disturbed!
barring that ,the post was a treat.
Even i had this question in my mind, but since i neva tried much , i ended up in despair many times. N ow things have changed. Though i feel that i got the answer, the happiness of knowing it is very ethereal, in my case!
I am lucky , that i cud talk to you, once again! :P
keep writing!